B-finder added features: agriculture, forestry, wildlife management

By using 360° thermal video monitoring, B-finder system is multi-tool for detection and tracking of different phenomena. Added features are useful not only for wind power industry and environmental monitoring but also for agriculture, forestry and wildlife management.

B-finder application in agriculture

The agriculture landscape is the most popular type of landscape where wind turbines are located. Nowadays the agriculture industry is regulated in many countries. Good agricultural practice (GAP) is solution implemented to create food for consumers or further processing that is safe and using sustainable methods. For example in European Union many controling procedure is implemented to watch the correctness of farmers action.

B-finder provide information useful for the GAP supervision. In some countries, where the wind mills density is high like Denmark or Germany, B-finder can be the first source of information for government and EU controlling bodies:

  • time of agriculture procedure execution;
  • correctness of procedure execution;
  • area covered by agriculture procedure;
  • type of procedure used;
  • fire detection.

Fig. 1. The harvester is mowing the crops. B-finder can provide information about time of this action, area covered and path of the machine. This picture is a sample raw picture from only one of sensors covered 360° around wind turbine tower.

B-finder application in forestry

In some regions wind industry get into forests. Such locations enable using wind mills for forest monitoring. B-finder provide information useful in forest management like for example:

  • time of forestry procedure execution;
  • correctness of procedure execution;
  • area covered by forestry procedure;
  • vehicle detection;
  • fire detection.

B-finder application in wildlife management

In agriculture landscape and partially in forests B-finder system is great tool for providing standardized counting of big mammals in defined monitoring surfaces around wind turbine. This sampling can be great source of input information for population assessment for hunting policy. What’s more, B-finder can be useful for illegal hunting detection. B-finder provide information about some small mammals and all big mammals, which shape, body size and manner of walking is enough characteristic for easy species identification, for example:

  • big cats;
  • boars;
  • deer;
  • elephants;
  • giraffes;
  • harres.

Fig. 2. Wild boar herd is crossing the wind farm. This picture is a sample raw picture from only one of sensors covered 360° around wind turbine tower.