B-finder is breakthrough patented system for wind power sector. B-finder gives the industry and government administration simple, automatic, universal, worldwide, onshore and offshore ready, transparent tool for bat & bird mortality monitoring.
extra features
By using 360° thermal video monitoring, B-finder system is multi-tool for detection and tracking of different phenomena. Added features are useful not only for wind power industry and environmental monitoring but also for agriculture, defense, fire department, forestry, rescue operation, science, surveillance, weather monitoring, wildlife management.
Meet us in Hamburg
We are part of Polish Wind Energy Association stand during the WindEnergy Hamburg Expo 24-27.09.2024. Hall B2.EG, stand 219/221
The U.S. patent for B-finder
B-finder got the U.S. patent. Today B-finder technology patents are granted in countries with coverage of 88% of global wind energy capacity. Excellent!
B-finder in Paris
B-finder was presented at Eolien et Biodiversité Seminar, 17-18 November 2021, Paris, France. This informative event was organized by the LPO, l’ADEME, Ministère de la Transition Écologique, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables and France Energie Eolienne. Merci!
Free webinars
Series of 4 pre-recorded webinars bring unique knowledge about the best in the world tool for bat and bird collision monitoring on wind turbines. Webinars are free. Learn about B-finder technology!
Publication of 24 month test report
We are proud to share the results of 24 month tests of B-finder technology, T-series. This Report presents the results of various experiments performed between 11.11.2017 and 11.11.2019. Enjoy!
B-finder in Texas
B-Finder was presented at the largest wind energy event in the Western Hemisphere: AWEA WINDPOWER 2019, May 20-23 Houston TX. Thank you for visiting our booth!
B-finder at Offshore Wind R&D Conference
B-finder Team visited high informative R&D Conference focused on Offshore Wind in Bremerhaven, 14-16 November 2018. Sail Ho!
The American Wind Energy Association Conference
B-finder was presented on Emerging Technologies panel during AWEA Wind Project Siting & Environmental Compliance Conference 2018, Memphis TN, 20-21 March.
B-finder Amsterdam mission
B-finder Team presents poster “Counting instead of stopping. The 3% annual productivity battle” at WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2017, Amsterdam, 28-30 November.
B-finder U.S. tour
B-finder was presented during the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 107th Annual Meeting, 10-13 September 2017, Salt Lake City, U.S. Speech for Energy & Wildlife Committee and Expo stand during the event allowed us to present B-finder to American friends.
B-finder on the CWW Expo
B-Finder was presented at the Expo and Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts in Estroil Portugal, 6-8 September 2017. Interest in our solution exceeded our expectations.
B-finder awarded!
Poster with presentation of B-finder on WindEurope Summit 2016 in Hamburg was awarded as the best in environmental impacts & social acceptance category.
The basic principle of B-finder is the sequence of recordings of animal falling across the sensor zones. The fall of dead or injured animals has different parameters than the flight of those alive. B-finder system differentiates between them and reports only the fatalities. The monitoring results are available online for the user including information about the time of collision and the location of the carcass.
Learn more about the science behind the technology

Interview with ChatGPT about the future of bats and birds post-construction monitorin
Interview with ChatGPT about the future of bats and birds post-construction monitoring Posted 27 April, 2023 B-finder system collects huge amount of data, especially images. So, we are using some …

Technology backed by strong IP
Technology backed by strong IP posted on March 28, 2022 The simplicity of gravity and the elegance of geometry make B-finder system scalable measurement equipment ready to assembly on every …

B-finder is multi-tool for wind farm monitoring
B-finder is multi-tool for wind farm monitoring posted on November 26, 2020 A smartphone is great device, because of the number of functionalities they have in one place. The primary …

Lidar application in B-finder system
Lidar application in B-finder system posted on November 3, 2020 Bats from Wuhan, thermal cameras on airports, wait, what airports? 2020 is a bit interesting and maybe that is the …

R&D report for B-finder T-series
R&D report for B-finder T-series posted on November 26, 2019 We are proud to share the results of 24 month tests of B-finder technology, T-series (configurations TB50, TB100, TBSN50, …

B-finder system test drive
B-finder system test drive posted on October 8, 2019 Our followers from wind power industry and research often ask about the reliability of B-finder system. As long as B-finder …

Visual searching for carcass is Sisyphean task!
Visual searching for carcass is Sisyphean task! posted on July 16, 2019 Before B-finder the visual searching was the only method of bat and bird fatality monitoring on wind …

How much does the curtailment cost?
How much does the curtailment cost? posted on June 13, 2019 End of May 2019 I have visited the U.S., where B-finder booth was open during American Wind Energy …

Sherlock Holmes under wind turbine
Sherlock Holmes under wind turbine posted on May 29, 2019 Previous methods of bat and bird mortality monitoring usually assumed that all carcasses found near wind turbines are victims …

How we test B-finder technology?
How we test B-finder technology? posted on April 26, 2019 In 2017 our company EMPEKO have started project co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development with the …

Before you slow down your turbine, the animal will fly 500m in any direction
Before you slow down your turbine, the animal will fly 500m in any direction posted on April 17, 2019 Periodic shutdown of selected turbines during the highest risk periods …

Bats and wind power – introduction
Bats and wind power – introduction posted on April 8, 2019 We know more than 1300 bats species around the world. In the IUCN red list 91 species was …

Bat and bird mortality monitoring on offshore wind
Bat and bird mortality monitoring on offshore wind posted on March 26, 2019 It is built more and more offshore wind farms, particularly in northern Europe and eastern Asia …

Birds threatened and not threatened by collisions
Birds threatened and not threatened by collisions posted on March 26, 2019 Let’s identify, which birds species die as result of collision with wind turbines. In European database there are …
B-finder Team is rooted in EMPEKO – one of most seasoned polish wildlife research company with 19 years of experience in +450 projects.

Graduated at Geosciences Department – Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan): M.Sc. in geography (specialization: Geoinformation). Experience in GIS analytics for bats & birds research and environmental monitoring & supervision during wind farms construction.

M.Sc., Eng., degree in Automation and Robotics at the Cracow University of Technology (specialisation: Industrial Systems Multimedia), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Alumni of electronics technical high school. Experience in CAD design, astronomical telescope mechanism design, design of plastic elements and electrronic technical support engineer.

Entrepreneur, biologist and innovator with 19 years experience in environmental consultancy for wind power industry. He holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. in biology, studied technical environmental protection in Berlin, European integration in Warsaw (postgraduate) and management in Barcelona (AMP).

Ph.D. in computing science at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Experience in 3D programing. Successful participant of numerous competitions like Polish Academic Championships in Team Programming 2013, Central Europe Regional Contest 2015 , Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016.

Ph.D. in biological sciences. International doctoral studies in Natural Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Krakow). Graduated at the University of Wroclaw: B.Sc. and M.Sc. in environmental protection (specialization: Ecology and Protection of Animals). Zoologist with many years of professional experience.

The support crew of accountants, attorneys and consultants.